Asset Management

Asset Management

Important Notes:

Before you start using the applications, there are some data that need to be configured first, right after installation, or else the application will not function as it should.

1- Asset State Report:

There are two crucial states that need to be configured. They can be set by navigating to the "Configurations" menu, and selecting the "Asset States" tab, we then press the "Add" button (a green button with a "+" icon) and create the "In Use" and "In Store" states. (refer to Image 1)


Image 1

Note: These two states shouldn't be deleted under any circumstances, other states can be added or removed without issue.



2- Asset Types Report:

There are three crucial asset types that need to be configured. They can be set by navigating to the "Configurations" menu, and selecting the "Asset Types" tab, we then press the "Add" button (a green button with a "+" icon) and create the "Asset", "Component" and "Consumable" asset types. (refer to Image 2)


Image 2

Note: These three types shouldn't be deleted under any circumstances, other types can be added or removed without issue.


3- The Active Property:

Most of the reports will have an "Active" property. This is true by default on creating a new entry of any kind. When it is true, this means that it is a selectable option. For example, when creating a new product, we must select a product type, it will only show product types who are active.

Usage :  

1. Configurations:

The Configurations Module is where we set all of our configurations to be able to use the application.

Here, we can set important information such as Asset States, Asset Types, Asset Categories, Products Types, Products and more.

All of the mentioned information will be used when creating assets, managing Loans and even stock taking.

  1.1. Asset States

This is where we can manage our asset states. In this report, we have two main states (as mentioned in the notes above) that shouldn't be changed or deleted, but we can also create more states if needed.


Image 3

 1.2. Asset  Types

This is where we can manage our asset types, to. In this report, we have three main types (as mentioned in the notes above) that shouldn't be changed or deleted, but we can also create more states if needed.


Image 4

 1.3. Asset  Categories

This is where we can manage our asset categories. it is useful to be able to track the number of products types according to categories in the dashboard, which will be discussed further later on.


Image 5


 1.4. Product Types 

This is where we can manage our product types, product types basically are determines how the assets will behave according to the asset type selected when creating a product type.

We can also keep track of the amount of products created based on each product type by checking the quantity for each product type.


Image 6 


 1.5. Products 

After finally creating the product types we need, we can start creating products.

Products are essential for creating and managing assets, as a product refers to the actual product itself, while the asset refers to a specific copy of this product.

We set the details of the product, such as the name of the product, its manufacturer, what product type it belongs to, part number, price and description.

We can also keep track of the amount of assets created for each product using the Quantity property.


Image 7





 1.6. Vendors 

We can keep track of all the vendors available In the Vendors report. these are useful to keep the acquisition of assets limited to a specific set of vendors that the organization deals with.


Image 8


 1.7. Sites

Some organizations have multiple sites, which can be managed from the Sites report. This is helpful to be able to separate rooms that may have similar names but on different sites.

Note: If the organization has only a single site, this site should still be added to the sites report to be able to assign rooms to it.


Image 9 


1.8. Rooms

Manage Rooms of each site from the Rooms report, this is important to keep track of where the current location of each asset is.


Image 10


1.9. Lockers 

In the Lockers report, we can manage Lockers in which assets should be stored in case they are not being used.


Image 11



2. Staff:

The staff module is where we can manage our organization's staff members.

Staff members that are saved in this module are selected in the process of loaning.

We can add all of our staff members at once from a file by choosing the "Import Data" option in the report, or we can use the form to add them manually. (refer to images 12 and 13)


Image 12


Image 13


3. Assets:

The "Assets" module is where we can create and manage our assets. Through this module, we can keep track of the current state of the assets, their current location, and how has them.

When creating a new asset, we need to specify the default location of the asset. This refers to the location where this asset will be stored when it is not in use. we also need to specify the store locker, which refers to the locker that exists in the specified location where the asset will be stored. (refer to image 14)

Image 14


If the selected product is of a product type that is considered as an "Asset" or "Component", then the Quantity will be automatically set as 1.

If it is a "Consumable" however, a Quantity field appears where we can set the quantity of the quantity that we have of this asset.

Once an asset is added, a Barcode is automatically generated for it, that can be downloaded and used.

The generated Barcode is based on the ID of the created asset, so we can search for an asset in the system simply by searching for it by its ID. (refer to image 15)


Image 15


4. Asset Loaning:

This is the module that is responsible for loaning and dispatching assets to staff members.

If we are loaning a "Consumable", then this loaning process will be considered as "Dispatched", which doesn't set an expected return date or even has the option to return the asset and it sets the Status as "Dispatched".

Otherwise, the process will be considered as "Loaning", which will have both a loaning date and an expected return date.

There are 4 statuses for loaning: Loaned, Overdue, Returned and Returned Late. (refer to image 16)


Image 16


If the asset has not been returned on the expected return date, then its status will automatically be updated to Overdue.

When dispatching an asset or a consumable, we can set the staff member who is taking this asset. On starting the loaning process, we can find that the asset current location and owner are updated, but this doesn't happen with consumables, as consumables only update their quantity.

When dispatching a component, we can set the loaning to another asset of the type "Asset", the component location and owner are then updated to that of its parent asset.




5. Stock Taking:

The stock taking module is where we will carry out all the stock taking process.


Image 17

To carry out stock taking, the conductor simply needs to select the location where they are conducting the stock taking and then either scan the Barcode or add the ID manually in the Barcode field, the application will either automatically fill in the rest of the details to confirm that this was a successful scan, or it will show an error message and will mention the reason.

If the scanned asset is a "Consumable", then we can change the quantity to any number that is greater than 0, else when we try to change it, we will be faced with an error message and the value will be returned to 1.

After submitting the stock taking, the system will then compare the scanned assets with the assets that should be in the selected location. If they do not match, then the scan result will be "Not Matched", otherwise it will be "Matched". (refer to image 18)

Image 18


On expanding the report, we can see:

  1. A list of the Location assets names, followed by their quantity

  2. A list of the Scanned assets names, followed by their quantity

  3. A list of the Missing assets names, followed by their quantity (if any)

  4. A list of the Extra assets names, followed by their quantity (if any)


Image 19

Note, the quantity of the asset is following the asset's name, and they are separated by a comma.


6. Dashboard:

The dashboard provides us with important statistics on our assets, such as the number of assets that we currently own, the number of assets that are stored, the number of assets that are currently in use and so on. (refer to image 20)

Image 20